All | English | Burmese | Thai | Khmer | Vietnam English Publications Proceedings of the Third Policy Dialogue on the Roles of Countries of Origin in Supporting Migrants’ Access to Social SecurityHandbook for Civil Society Organisations and Trade Unions in Cambodia, Myanmar and Vietnam for Assisting Migrants Deployed to JapanNAVIGATING SOCIAL SECURITY SYSTEMS: The Roles of Mekong Countries of Origin in Supporting Migrant Workers in Thailand and JapanNeighbours in Need: Examining Thailand’s Response to Mixed Migration from Post-Coup MyanmarProceedings of the Multi-stakeholder Workshop on Migrants’ Access to Social SecurityProceedings of MMN Multistakeholder Workshop on Labour Migration from Cambodia and Vietnam to JapanSurviving the Pandemic: To Stay or Go? A Study into the Decision-making of Mekong MigrantsLabour Migration from Mekong Countries of Origin to JapanResilience & Uncertainty: Mekong Migrant Workers amid the Pandemic DownturnThe Development of Migration Policies Concerning Vietnamese Migrant Workers in ThailandProceedings of the Multi-Stakeholder Workshop on Migrant Agricultural Workers in ThailandProceedings of the Second Policy Dialogue of the Roles of Countries of OriginMigrant Agricultural Workers in Thailand (2020)Social Protection Across Borders: Roles of Mekong Countries of Origin in Protecting Migrants’ Rights (2019)Policy Brief of “Social Protection Across Borders” (2019)“Jobs in SEZs: Migrant garment factory workers in the Mekong region (2019)Policy Briefs of Jobs in SEZs: Migrant Garment Factory Workers in the Mekong Region (2019)Proceedings of the Consultation on Labour Migration from Vietnam to Japan (2019)Proceedings of the Workshop on Labour Migration from Mekong Countries to Japan (2019)Proceedings of the Consultation on Labour Migration from Cambodia to Japan (2019)Proceedings of the Consultation on Labour Migration from Myanmar to JapanProceedings of the MMN 15th Anniversary Workshop (2018)Proceedings of the Policy Dialogue on Roles of Countries of Origin (2017)Safe from the Start: The Roles of Countries of Origin in Protecting Migrants (2017)Policy Brief: Regulation of Recruitment Agencies in the Greater Mekong Subregion (2016)Permanently Temporary: Examining the Impact of Social Exclusion on Mekong Migrants (2015)Self-Care & Health Care: How Migrant Women in the Greater Mekong Subregion Take Care of their Health (2014)Proceedings of the Mekong Symposium on Migration: “Embracing Diversity”: Seeking Multicultural Values and Mutual Understanding (2014)The Precarious Status of Migrants in Thailand: Reflections on the Exodus of Cambodian Migrants and Lessons Learnt (2014)Lesson Plans on the History of Migration (2014)Dragon Lake: An Illustrated Children’s Book on Multiculturalism (2014)Bottom of ASEAN: Impact of Rushed Investment in “Last Frontier” Countries – Burma/Myanmar, Cambodia and Laos on Labour and Migration (2014)Health Access for Migrants from the Mekong Neighbourhood: With or Without Borders? (2013)Proceedings of the Mekong Symposium on Migration; Migrants from the Mekong Neighbourhood “Living Together: Seeking Effective Responses to Enable Integration and Social Cohesion” (2013)No Choice in the Matter: Migrants’ Experiences of Arrest, Detention and Deportation (2013)Climate Change and Migration: Exploring the Impacts of Climate Change on People’s Livelihoods and Migration in the Greater Mekong Sub-region (2013)Resource Book: Migration in the Greater Mekong Subregion; In-depth Study: Border Economic Zones and Migration (2012)From Our Eyes: Mekong Migrant Reflection 2000–2012 (2012)Speaking of Migration: Mekong Vocabulary on MigrationLegally Binding: A Summary of Labour Laws in the Greater Mekong Subregion (2012)Restricted Rights: Migrant Workers in Thailand, Cambodia and Malaysia (2012)Resource Book: Migration in the Greater Mekong Sub-region; In-depth Study: Arrest, Detention and DeportationMigrants, Migration and Development in the Greater Mekong Sub-region; Proceedings of the Workshop, 15-16 July 2008, Vientiane, Lao PDRMekong Symposium on Migration: Protecting Migrants’ Rights When They Leave the Host CountryResource Book: Migration in the Greater Mekong Subregion (2005)Migration Needs, Issues and Responses in the Greater Mekong Sub-region: A Resource Book (2002)Annotated Bibliography: Migration in the Greater Mekong Subregion (Fourth Edition)
Proceedings of the Third Policy Dialogue on the Roles of Countries of Origin in Supporting Migrants’ Access to Social Security
Handbook for Civil Society Organisations and Trade Unions in Cambodia, Myanmar and Vietnam for Assisting Migrants Deployed to Japan
NAVIGATING SOCIAL SECURITY SYSTEMS: The Roles of Mekong Countries of Origin in Supporting Migrant Workers in Thailand and Japan
Social Protection Across Borders: Roles of Mekong Countries of Origin in Protecting Migrants’ Rights (2019)
Self-Care & Health Care: How Migrant Women in the Greater Mekong Subregion Take Care of their Health (2014)
Proceedings of the Mekong Symposium on Migration: “Embracing Diversity”: Seeking Multicultural Values and Mutual Understanding (2014)
The Precarious Status of Migrants in Thailand: Reflections on the Exodus of Cambodian Migrants and Lessons Learnt (2014)
Bottom of ASEAN: Impact of Rushed Investment in “Last Frontier” Countries – Burma/Myanmar, Cambodia and Laos on Labour and Migration (2014)
Proceedings of the Mekong Symposium on Migration; Migrants from the Mekong Neighbourhood “Living Together: Seeking Effective Responses to Enable Integration and Social Cohesion” (2013)
Climate Change and Migration: Exploring the Impacts of Climate Change on People’s Livelihoods and Migration in the Greater Mekong Sub-region (2013)
Resource Book: Migration in the Greater Mekong Subregion; In-depth Study: Border Economic Zones and Migration (2012)
Resource Book: Migration in the Greater Mekong Sub-region; In-depth Study: Arrest, Detention and Deportation
Migrants, Migration and Development in the Greater Mekong Sub-region; Proceedings of the Workshop, 15-16 July 2008, Vientiane, Lao PDR