MMN published an in-depth study on arrest, detention, and deportation of migrants in the Mekong sub-region in June 2008. Since publishing the study, MMN has continued to advocate for the reform of policies so that situations where migrants end up being arrested, detained, and deported are avoided, as well as to ensure that migrants receive humanitarian treatment where arrest, detention, and deportation are unavoidable. While the executive summary of the book was immediately translated into Burmese, Chinese, Lao, Khmer, Thai and Vietnamese, MMN felt that it was particularly important to publish the whole book in Thai, as there were pressing advocacy needs on the issue in Thailand. In June 2011, the Thai version of the resource book was launched. We hope that the book will help inform policymakers, civil society, researchers, and the general public in Thailand on the pressing needs concerning the arrest, detention, and deportation of migrants in the Mekong.
Download the English (Part I), English Part (II), and the Thai versions