Mekong Symposium on Migration; Migrants from the Mekong Neighbourhood “Living Together: Seeking Effective Responses to Enable Integration and Social Cohesion”
In 2013, despite increased discussion among governments and civil society organisations on labour migration issues in the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS), limited evidence was available of the comprehensive and long-term vision necessary to achieve social cohesion between host communities and migrant communities in the region. MMN therefore deemed it timely to discuss the concept of ‘living together’ and how best to advocate for this. Between 26 and 28 February 2013, MMN hosted the Mekong Symposium on Migration: Migrants from the Mekong Neighbourhood Living Together: Seeking Effective Responses to Enable Integration and Social Cohesion. The Symposium brought together 72 representatives of governments, academic institutions, international non-governmental organisations, non-governmental organisations, and migrant groups from countries of the GMS to share their views on how migrants and host communities can live together. A press conference was held on the last day of the symposium to present the outcomes and recommendations developed during the meeting. To learn more about the symposium, please read the proceedings of the meeting, along with an executive summary that was translated into the six official GMS languages.