Workshop on the 15th Anniversary of Mekong Migration Network
Since the first cross-border research project on migration in the Greater Mekong Subregion took place in 2001 and the subsequent creation of the Mekong Migration Network (MMN) in 2003, MMN has jointly carried out a number of activities in the areas of advocacy, capacity building, information monitoring, research, and publication. 2018 marks the 15th anniversary of MMN, and thus MMN deemed it timely to review MMN’s achievements and challenges over the past 15 years, as well as to reflect on changes in key migration issues, and identify opportunities and obstacles going forward.
On 4 August 2018, MMN organised the 15th Anniversary Workshop at the Empress Hotel in Chiang Mai. The workshop aimed to: 1) reflect on the work MMN has carried out since it was launched and identify its successes and challenges; 2) reflect on the changes in key issues and the social and political climates surrounding migration, and identify opportunities and challenges in promoting and protecting migrants’ rights in the Mekong today; and 3) discuss MMN’s role in promoting migrants’ rights today and the way forward. 42 participants, including MMN members, associates and supporters, attended the workshop. The workshop included two in-depth panel discussions with participation from the floor, and concluded with participants developing joint recommendations for MMN’s future strategies on promoting and protecting the rights of undocumented migrants, achieving social inclusion and embracing diversity, and strengthening solidarity, labour movements and empowerment processes.
To learn more, please read the proceedings of the workshop.