Dragon Lake: An Illustrated Children’s Book on Multiculturalism (2014)

Dragon Lake is an illustrated children’s book, which was created as part of a project titled, “Embracing Diversity”. This project seeks to develop educational materials promoting multiculturalism.

Dragon Lake teaches the importance of living together with different cultures and nationalities through the story of a diverse community of dragons living on the shores of a small lake. The story goes on to chronicle the changing relationships between the dragons in the village and how stereotypes divide a community and hurt friendships. It is full of beautiful watercolour illustrations reflecting the unique nature of the different types of dragons living there.

In Dragon Lake, MMN strove to reflect children’s perspectives and use their values as our inspiration. We hope that the book will help children embrace diversity, and that by reading this story, teachers, parents and children will themselves become messengers for living together.

The publication is available in English, Thai, Lao, Shan, Khmer, and Burmese.

For more information, please contact us by email at  info@mekongmigration.org or by phone at our Chiang Mai, Thailand office at +(66)53 283259.