The Foundation for Migrants from the Mekong Neighbourhood (MMN Foundation) in coordination with the Mekong Migration Network (MMN) is hiring for the position of a six-month full-time PROJECT ASSISTANT. The position requires the successful applicant to be based in the MMN Secretariat office in Chiang Mai, Thailand, and work for 5 days (40 hours) a week from 20 June 2017 to 19 December 2017. The position requires the successful applicant to travel to Burma/Myanmar frequently. There is no special support (i.e. support for relocation costs, etc.) for people applying for this position from overseas or other provinces. This is a six-month fixed-term contract.

Description of position:

MMN in collaboration with the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) is carrying out a research and advocacy project focusing on Special Economic Zones (SEZs) in Thailand, Cambodia, and Burma/Myanmar and their impact on migrant garment factory workers. From 20 June to 19 October 2017, the primary role of the Project Assistant will be to translate and input data gathered during the field research stage of this project.

The MMN Project Assistant’s specific roles and responsibilities from 20 June to 19 October 2017 will be to:

  1. Translate questionnaire and interview findings from Burmese to English;
  2. Assist with communication between the MMN Secretariat and research partners in Burma/Myanmar;
  3. Input translated qualitative and quantitative data into a data management system (Microsoft Excel, SPSS, or an equivalent program);
  4. Assist the MMN Research Officer with identifying and clarifying inconsistencies in the data;
  5. Arrange the logistics in coordination with research partners in Burma/Myanmar for project meetings and interviews; and
  6. Assist the MMN Research Officer and the rest of the MMN Secretariat team as required.

MMN in collaboration with Clean Clothes Campaign (CCC) is hosting a conference in Yangon, Burma/Myanmar, in December 2017. From 20 October to 19 December 2017, the primary role of the Project Assistant will be to assist with making logistical arrangements for the conference.

The MMN Project Assistant’s specific roles and responsibilities from 20 October to 19 December 2017 will be to:

  1. Arrange the logistics for the conference;
  2. Assist MMN and CCC with inviting and coordinating with participants from Burma/Myanmar;
  3. Assist MMN and CCC with coordinating a local conference secretariat team; and
  4. Assist MMN and CCC with following up with conference participants from Burma/Myanmar.


She/he will be directly supervised by the MMN Research Officer and report to the MMN Regional Coordinator when required.

Specific tasks will be laid out in a job description, which will be shared with the successful candidate.

Required competencies:

The successful candidate MUST meet the following requirements:

  1. Proficiency in written and oral English and Burmese;
  2. High levels of computer literacy, especially in Microsoft Word and Excel;
  3. Good communication skills;
  4. Ability to work in a multi-cultural environment independently and as a member of a diverse team;
  5. Ability to carry out multiple tasks;
  6. Ability to meet deadlines; and
  7. Agreement with MMN’s principles and objectives.

The following skills and experiences are considered as assets:

  1. One year or more of work experience on migration or labour issues;
  2. Understanding of human rights, labour rights, women’s rights, supply chains, social justice, development, or related issues;
  3. Experience in organizing meetings and conferences;
  4. Understanding of how NGOs and coalitions work; and
  5. Knowledge of SPSS.


A probationary period of one month applies.

To apply:

Please send your CV and cover letter in English to MMN Regional Coordinator Reiko Harima at, and CC MMN Research Officer Carli Melo at Only those who are shortlisted will be notified.

Extension of deadline for submission: Monday, 12 June 2017