On 24 November 2021, Mekong Migration Network (MMN) convened a Multi-Stakeholder Workshop on Labour Migration from Cambodia and Vietnam to Japan. The workshop focused on two major themes: First, migration costs to Japan; and second, information dissemination concerning migrants’ rights to health, including reproductive health and Covid-19 matters, for migrants in Japan.
These themes have been selected, as they are among the most pressing issues facing migrants in Japan and have been identified by MMN as issues that stakeholders in countries of origin can play a significant role in solving.
The workshop was attended by more than 90 representatives from key migration stakeholders, including officials from the governments of Japan, Cambodia and Vietnam; intergovernmental organizations; migration advocates; recruitment agencies; employers; and academic experts. The workshop proceedings will be available soon on the MMN website.
Workshop format:
Plenary 1 (https://youtu.be/VwOY9Vol_fE)
Learn from Japanese stakeholders about the latest efforts in response to the issues of migration costs and information dissemination concerning migrants’ rights to health.
Concurrent workshop
Learn from the stakeholders in Vietnam and Cambodia about the latest efforts in the respective countries.
#1 Migration from Cambodia to Japan (https://youtu.be/gfCeKbud9PQ)
#2 Migration from Vietnam to Japan (https://youtu.be/zP5HqdAyi-Y)
Plenary Synthesis (https://youtu.be/TwTessMgdXI)
Discuss action points.
Workshop programme:
Part 1: Plenary
Welcome and Opening Remarks
Delivered by: Ms. Jacqueline Pollock, Former Chairperson of MMN Steering Committee
Introduction: Context and Key Issues Identified in Previous MMN
Research and Consultations on Labour Migration from Mekong Countries of Origin to Japan
Delivered by: Ms. Reiko Harima, MMN Regional Coordinator
Presentation 1: Migration Procedures from Vietnam to Japan during the Covid-19 Pandemic: updates, emerging issues, cost structure, support programs and future direction
Delivered by: Mr. Mikio Hayashi, First Secretary, Embassy of Japan in Vietnam
Presentation 2: Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Migrants in Japan
Delivered by: Prof. Wako Asato, Associate Professor, Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University
Presentation 3: Japanese Employers’ Perspectives on the Recruitment of Migrant Workers
Delivered by: Mr. Yozo Nakao, Sustainability Development Department, Ajinomoto Co., Inc.
Presentation 4: Migrants’ Right to Healthcare: Gaps in Information and Underlying Issues
Delivered by: Ms. Sooyeon Choi, Solidarity Network with Migrants in Japan (Secretariat)
Q & A
Facilitated by: Ms. Jacqueline Pollock, Former Chairperson of MMN Steering Committee
Part 2: Concurrent Break-out Sessions
Migration from Cambodia to Japan
Facilitated by: Prof. Wako Asato
Presentation 1: Government Initiatives to Reduce Migration Costs and Measures to Provide Accurate Information regarding Health and Healthcare
Delivered by: Ms Nara Monilak, 3rd Overseas Placement Office, Department of Employment and Manpower, the Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training (MOLVT), Government of Cambodia
Presentation 2: Recruitment Agencies’ Efforts in Reducing Recruitment Fees
Delivered by: Mr Bunhak An, Chairperson, Manpower Association of Cambodia (MAC)
Presentation 3: Concerns over Recruitment Fees for Migrants Deployed to Japan and Access to Information on their Rights to Health, and the Role for Civil Society Organisations
Delivered by: Mr. Sokcha Mom, Executive Director, Legal Support for Children and Women (LSCW)
Q & A
Facilitated by: Prof. Wako Asato
Migration from Vietnam to Japan
Facilitated by: Prof. Reiko Ogawa
Presentation 1: Government Efforts in Adjusting and Regulating
Recruitment Fees and Recent Amendments to Vietnam’s Law on Overseas Workers on Migration Costs
Delivered by: Ms. Nguyễn Thị Ánh Hằng, Deputy Head, Department of Japan and Southeast Asia, Department of Overseas Labour (DOLAB), Ministry of Labour, Invalid, and Social Affairs, Government of Vietnam
Presentation 2: Update on Cost Structure of Labour Migration to Japan, Including Costs Related to the Pandemic, and VAMAS’ Efforts in Reducing Migration Costs
Delivered by: Mr. Lê Long Sơn, Vice-Chairperson, Vietnam Association of Manpower and Supply (VAMAS)
Presentation 3: Observations on Good Practices in Vietnam, including Initiatives towards the “Zero Recruitment Fee Model” and Observations on the Recent Amendments to Vietnam’s Law on Contract-Based Overseas Workers.
Delivered by: Ms. Jane Hodge, Project Manager, Fair International Recruitment against Slavery and Trafficking (FIRST) Project, International Labour Organization
Q & A
Facilitated by: Prof. Reiko Ogawa
Part 3: Plenary Synthesis
Presentations on the two breakout sessions
Delivered by: Prof. Wako Asato and Prof. Reiko Ogawa
Discussion: Action Points
Facilitated by: Ms. Jacqueline Pollock, Former Chairperson of MMN Steering Committee
Closing Remarks
Delivered by: Mekong Migration Network (MMN), Center for Development and Integration, Legal Support for Children and Women (LSCW)