
Deportation is… the act of a State, in the exercise of its sovereignty, in removing an alien from its territory to a certain place after refusal of admission or termination of permission to remain. (IOM)

Following arrest and detention, many migrants are then deported from Thailand. Conditions of deportation are often inadequate and unsafe, with frequent complaints from migrants being that the deportation vehicle did not stop for any toilet breaks, was over-crowded and hot, and drove dangerously. There have been cases where overcrowded and speeding deportation vehicles have caused serious accidents, injuring and sometimes killing migrants.

Often migrants are not given a chance to collect their belongings or settle any debts or wages owed to them in Thailand prior to being deported, meaning that they are returned to their countries of origin with little or no belongings or money, and are left in very vulnerable and difficult situations. Some deported migrants also face stigma in their home countries, and are subjected to lectures, ‘re-education,’ punishment and fines when deported through official channels.